

夏令营 & 青年项目 are an important part of the University’s community 外联工作是我们使命不可或缺的一部分.  节目的目的是激发灵感 and to promote developmental growth among participants.  每个营地都有一个教育 component, while at the same time is a fun, memorable, and an overall great experience 为参与者.  Teaching takes place in a variety of settings – classrooms, hands-on learning sites, athletic facilities, and through social activities.  课程内容 covers a plethora of subject matters from athletics to zoology.

The Center serves as a central hub for camps and youth programs held on campus.  We assist other University departments with facilitating camps and youth programs and we serve as campus sponsors for external programs/groups desiring to hold programs on campus consistent with the overall mission of the University.  如果你感兴趣的话 in hosting a youth program on campus or you need assistance planning a university camp, our professional staff will provide a free consultation with you, and /or your planning committee to assess your needs and establish a plan for moving forward. 

2024美国夏令营 以下是产品.

  • 结交新朋友
  • 培养自信
  • 学习新技能
  • 探索不同的职业道路



The Programming and Computer Knowledge (PACK) Camp at the School of Computing of the 十大彩票网投平台 is an introduction to programming concepts with hands-on exercises allowing the student to gain experience with problem solving by using a high-level programming language, Python and other programming tools. 我们提供三种 Computer Programming 营地: for students in 10th - 12th grades, for students in 7th 9年级和4 - 6年级的学生.

Acquiring programming skills that can be useful in your current course work
A taste of what it is like to be on a college campus and in a college classroom
Interaction with Computing students, faculty, and staff

有关注册说明,请访问 PACK营登记


The USA College of Education and Professional Studies Literacy Center hosts a fun-filled 暑期扫盲营 for rising 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grade students.

参加金夏扫盲营! 通过运动进行阅读和写作 以及以夏季奥运会为主题的运动会. 

The program will be held at the 十大彩票网投平台 College of Education and 下议院的专业研究大楼. 大学教师和在职教师 将会管理营地吗. 

有关注册说明,请访问 暑期扫盲营报名


PEP Summer Camp offers a 2-night, 3-day camp for high school students (ages 16-18) and adults (ages 19-27) with intellectual disabilities interested in exploring a postsecondary 教育经验.

露营者 will be assigned a private room in a USA residential hall and eat in on-campus 自助餐厅. At least one male chaperone and one female chaperone per 5 campers will be provided in the residential halls, including direct overnight supervision. 露营者 will also participate in mini classes and receive an individualized plan detailing the skills to enhance their postsecondary education readiness, independent living, 就业技能.

For a list of requirements and registration instructions go to 通道营地信息


大学预备营 (仅限由 阿拉巴马州康复服务部)

今年夏天保持这种势头! 夏季桥梁项目是一个在线的,高度 interactive math program designed to keep your child's math skills topnotch. 而 the courses are online, your child will take part in a classroom experience each week where they will maintain or grow in their math proficiency during the summertime.


想要充分利用ACT考试?  美国将在校园开设ACT暑期闪电战课程 this summer for high schoolers who want to improve their ACT scores. 不要错过 在这个16小时的现场教学课程中.  现在准备好追求一个优秀的成绩. 


(251) 460-7200