美国队 Fall Professional Development Sessions


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Streamlining the Team-Based Learning Readiness Assurance Process

From low-tech to high tech methods, learn tips and tricks for streamlining the Readiness Assurance Process in your TBL course.
注册链接: http://usailc.org/?p=6587

日期: 9/3/2015

Time: 1:30 – 3:00pm



TeamUSA Course Design Lab: Creating meaningful and engaging application activities

Bring course materials and your own device to work on creating application activities 使用Michaelsen的4S方法. Resources and tips will be presented, along with individual 还有团体支持.

日期: 9/11/2015




Developing Courses with Backward Design and Student Learning Outcomes In Mind

Student Learning Outcomes are based on cognitive skills students acquire during a course, and are the foundation of Backward Design.  This session will include strategies for developing student learning outcomes using action verbs from Bloom’s Taxonomy of Cognitive Skills and connecting them with appropriate assessment and growth targets. Time will be provided to compose and critique student learning outcomes that may be 用于课程大纲.

日期: 9/17/2015

Time: 3:00 – 4:30pm

位置: ILC研讨会


Dealing with Problem Teams and Grading Application Activities

Interact with TBL faculty to explore possible solutions for dealing with problem teams and effective methods for grading application activities.

日期: 10/2/2015

Time: 1:30 – 3:00pm



Using voice-over presentations to prepare students for the Readiness Assurance Process

Preparing students for the Readiness Assurance Process may go beyond a reading assignment. TeamUSA faculty will share how they've incorporated voice-over presentations to prepare students and demonstrate two specific tools.

日期: 10/15/2015

Time: 3:00 – 4:30pm



Facilitating Peer Evaluation with Comprehensive Assessment of Team Member Effectiveness (CATME)

CATME, the Comprehensive Assessment of Team Member Effectiveness, system is a way to reduce administrative time and generate effective and timely student feedback for 同行评价.

日期: 10/23/2015




TeamUSA Course Design Lab: Creating meaningful and engaging application activities

Bring course materials and your own device to work on creating application activities 使用Michaelsen的4S方法. Resources and tips will be presented, along with individual 还有团体支持.

日期: 11/19/2015

Time: 1:30 – 3:00pm


