中等教育. M.Ed.

另类教育硕士(Alt. M.Ed.)是一个42小时的课程 those individuals who do not have a prior background or teaching certificate in education, but hold a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent in a related content field in English Language Arts, Social Studies, General 科学, Spanish, French, German, or 数学ematics.  Many of the courses are offered online or with options for meeting online or on campus. Upon completion of the program, students are eligible for the Class A, 6-12 Certificate 对于它们的内容区域.



普通科学. M.Ed. 学习课程

数学Alt. M.Ed. 学习课程

语言艺术. M.Ed. 学习课程

社会研究. M.Ed. 学习课程

其他语言的英语(ESOL. M.Ed. 学习课程

西班牙Alt. M.Ed. 学习课程

法国Alt. M.Ed. 学习课程

德国Alt. M.Ed. 学习课程



学生 are admitted into the program every semester (Spring, Summer, and Fall).
该项目为42学时(14门课程). 每学期都有现成的课程 allowing students to take a full load (9 hrs) without difficulty. 时间的总量 to complete the program depends upon how many courses are taken each semester. 学生 taking a full load (9 hours a semester) can expect to finish in 5-6 semesters while those who are working or have other responsibilities along with school may take a 些时间.
虽然有些课程是在线的,但这不是一个在线学位. 艺术和科学课程 are often NOT offered online; however, they are offered evenings. 两门课程 在工作日进行的实地体验.



▼   数学ematics, and Foreign Language Education (P-12) -French, Spanish or German- Alt. M.Ed.
  1. A bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution of higher education.

    *USA students applying to a USA graduate program in the 教育学院 and Professional 研究应完成 申请成绩单表格(PDF) 在大学教务处网站上找到.

    In the Name/Organization field for the transcript recipient write, "美国研究生院". 此请求不收取任何费用. 此选项仅适用于美国 申请美国研究生课程的学生成绩单.


  1. 平均绩点要求: A bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution with a minimum overall GPA 2.硕士及以上学历,平均绩点不低于3.0. 这个GPA必须 be documented on the official transcript of the degree granting institution and must be the GPA that was used as the basis for granting the degree, not a GPA that includes 研究生学历课程.

    GPA例外 for unconditional admission to Alternative Class A State Department of Education-approved programs: Individuals who have earned a bachelor 's degree from a regionally accredited institution at the time the degree was earned and do not meet the minimum overall 本科GPA 2.5分,但至少有2分.本科总绩点0分,可寻求 provisional admission to an Alternative Class A program if the alternate score on 获得阿拉巴马州规定的实践学科领域测试. 交替得分 can be found on the Alternate Score Requirements document at www.alsde.edu(部门 办公室:教育评估:教育评估政策). 唯一的测试和分数 accepted are those listed on the Alternate Score Requirements document. 所有其他的 入学要求也必须满足.


  1. 通过阿拉巴马州教育部背景调查.




  1. 完成选项1:通过分数 适当的实践科目评估 or Option 2: An academic major in the teaching field or, if an academic major is not on the official transcript, 30 semester hours of credit appropriate to the teaching field including at least 18 semester hours of upper-division credit.


  1. Personal statement on applicant's career goals and purpose for graduate study.



通识科学、社会科学、语言艺术. M.Ed.
  1. A bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution of higher education.

    正式成绩单*可以通过邮寄或电子方式发送. 说明可在申请表的“帮助”部分找到.

    *USA students applying to a USA graduate program in the 教育学院 and Professional 研究应完成 申请成绩单表格(PDF) 在大学教务处网站上找到.

    In the Name/Organization field for the transcript recipient write, "美国研究生院". 此请求不收取任何费用. 此选项仅适用于美国 申请美国研究生课程的学生成绩单.


  1. 平均绩点要求: A bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution with a minimum overall GPA 2.硕士及以上学历,平均绩点不低于3.0. 这个GPA必须 be documented on the official transcript of the degree granting institution and must be the GPA that was used as the basis for granting the degree, not a GPA that includes 研究生学历课程.

    GPA例外 for unconditional admission to Alternative Class A State Department of Education-approved programs: Individuals who have earned a bachelor 's degree from a regionally accredited institution at the time the degree was earned and do not meet the minimum overall 本科GPA 2.5分,但至少有2分.本科总绩点0分,可寻求 provisional admission to an Alternative Class A program if the alternate score on 获得阿拉巴马州规定的实践学科领域测试. 交替得分 can be found on the Alternate Score Requirements document at www.alsde.edu(部门 办公室:教育评估:教育评估政策). 唯一的测试和分数 accepted are those listed on the Alternate Score Requirements document. 所有其他的 入学要求也必须满足.


  1. 通过阿拉巴马州教育部背景调查.




  1. 完成选项1:通过分数 适当的实践科目评估 or Option 2: An academic major in the teaching field or, if an academic major is not on the official transcript, 32 semester hours of credit appropriate to the teaching field including at least 19 semester hours of upper-division credit.


    • General 科学 applicant's coursework must include courses in biology, chemistry, 地球或空间科学,以及物理学.
    • Social Studies applicant's coursework must include courses in economics, geography, 历史和政治科学.
    • Language Arts applicant's coursework must include courses in literature, grammar, reading skills, writing, speech, theatre, and print or broadcast journalism.


  1. Personal statement on applicant's career goals and purpose for graduate study (Upload WebAdmit应用内文件).



  1. A bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution of higher education.

    正式成绩单*可以通过邮寄或电子方式发送. 说明可在申请表的“帮助”部分找到.

    *USA students applying to a USA graduate program in the 教育学院 and Professional 研究应完成 申请成绩单表格(PDF) 在大学教务处网站上找到.

    In the Name/Organization field for the transcript recipient write, "美国研究生院". 此请求不收取任何费用. 此选项仅适用于美国 申请美国研究生课程的学生成绩单.


  1. 平均绩点要求: A bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution with a minimum overall GPA 2.硕士及以上学历,平均绩点不低于3.0. 这个GPA必须 be documented on the official transcript of the degree granting institution and must be the GPA that was used as the basis for granting the degree, not a GPA that includes 研究生学历课程.

    GPA例外 for unconditional admission to Alternative Class A State Department of Education-approved programs: Individuals who have earned a bachelor 's degree from a regionally accredited institution at the time the degree was earned and do not meet the minimum overall 本科GPA 2.5分,但至少有2分.本科总绩点0分,可寻求 provisional admission to an Alternative Class A program if the alternate score on 获得阿拉巴马州规定的实践学科领域测试. 交替得分 can be found on the Alternate Score Requirements document at www.alsde.edu(部门 办公室:教育评估:教育评估政策). 唯一的测试和分数 accepted are those listed on the Alternate Score Requirements document. 所有其他的 入学要求也必须满足.


  1. 通过阿拉巴马州教育部背景调查.




  1. 完成选项1:通过分数 适当的实践科目评估 or Option 2: An academic major in English, Reading, or Foreign Language or an academic major in Communications with 19 hours in upper-division in English, Reading, or Foreign Languages; or 32 semester hours with a minimum of 19 hours in upper-division English, 阅读或外语.


  1. Personal statement on applicant's career goals and purpose for graduate study (Upload WebAdmit应用内文件).





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